DAY 38 (2015)


Forgiveness is like the sun reflecting on the water. It makes everything it touches sparkle.
(Picture by Lisa R. Everglades National Park)

Remember being a kid? Life was simpler, we didn’t worry about our choices, and there was always someone older and wiser to rub our backs and calm all our fears. We called that person mom, but really deep down we thought she was a super hero. In my family moms rule. The aunts out number the uncles by a lot. The Smith women are known for their strength, their resilience, and the eyes in back of their heads (I swear it’s true). Today I made a sad trip across the border so that my mom could spend sometime with another mom. Her sister. My Aunt is sick and doesn’t not have many days left. This moment has made me think about life, and how for most of our lives we somehow manage to take this one person (our super hero) for granted. Yet she still loves us unconditionally and still gives us the best if herself. I can’t imagine the pain my cousin is feeling right now, but I can clearly see her love demonstrated. She gives this love because she received it in unlimited abundance. She loves her mom, because her mom first loved her. Life is fragile it ends as quickly as it begins. And even if we live for a hundred years it feels like such a short period of time. Love those around you with unconditional abandon. Love them so that they can love others. Love them because you don’t know how long you have them for. Love them because you don’t want to miss a minute. Today I was reminded of God’s unconditional love as I watched my cousin lovingly and selflessly take care of her mom. The lesson: in this life we need to love and we need to share that love with others.
We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

So what am I thankful for today? Love and family.

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