DAY 229

Sometimes doing what we don't like can be a win-win.

Sometimes doing what we don’t like can be a win-win.

Today was awesome I went shopping, if you know me, you know this NEVER happens. I am one of the few girls in the world that dislikes shopping (i really, really do). I go shopping for what I need. I usually know what I want and go for that and that alone. I don’t peruse. Today I was on a mission to get perfume, facial wipes, eyeliner, a pair of pants and a top. I listed the items because, I am so excited, I got every thing I wanted and spent under $25.00! Nope, I did not go to Walmart. Clothing from The Loft, and make-up from Ulta. Right about now you’re thinking, “will there be a point?” Why yes, there will be. Here it is: Sometimes even the things we don’t like can be enjoyable. I went shopping today because my mom likes it, it’s her way of spending time with me. As I got home and looked over my purchases it dawned on me, that I was very blessed to get everything I wanted, spend quality time with my mom, and not walk away broke. I had a an AMAZING day, doing something I don’t really like. We get so caught up in our likes and dislikes, and many times they become fences that box us in. Had I decided, I don’t like shopping, so I am not going. I would have missed out on a great day with the person who loves me most (second only to God). Here’s a little advise re-evaluate your “don’t like” list. It may be the open door you need to a great day with “the person that loves you most.”

” Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8, NIV).

So what am I thankful for today? New clothes, free perfume, and a happy mother.

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