Category Archives: mother

DAY 173

That's my mom! (let's keep the fact that I posted this picture just between us...) -Picture by Lisa R.-

That’s my mom!
(let’s keep the fact that I posted this picture just between us…)
-Picture by Lisa R.-

Today is my mom’s birthday. I have been blessed to have a really awesome mom. We have had our moments of misunderstanding and miscommunication. But whether she is praising me or scolding me, she has always been on my side. Today I got to thinking about how lucky my brother and I are that our mom is healthy. Exactly one week from this day the daughter of one of our long time patients had to bury her mom, who had passed away due to mets (short for metastasis…when the cancer has spread to other areas). I know more than anything else in the word she’d would have cherished one more birthday, one more Christmas with her mom. I have been thinking a lot today about how much I take for granted that my mom’s just going to be there (forever). But here’s reality we can’t control life and death (that’s God’s responsibility). But what we can control is what we do with the time we have. We can either spend that time investing in STUFF only to leave it to someone else (you really can’t take it with you). Or we can spend that time investing into the lives of those we love and cherish. So that when we are gone we have left them an example to follow. It’s our choice we can either leave behind stuff, or we can leave behind a legacy.

“Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” (Ephesians 5:16, NLT).

So what am I thankful for today? Opportunity!